
By His Grace and Blessings I write..

Psychedelics..The Present, The Future and the Risk.

Psychedelics ..why now? In our last blog we were on a journey into the brief history of psychedelics. In this blog I will take you through the current developments in psychedelics and why there is a revival of this field of study which has otherwise completely fallen out of favour. I will throw some light into the future promise and associated risks as well.
The 9/11, the world constantly at war with itself, the big corporate scandals , the financial market crash , the concentration of all wealth in the hands of a miniscule minority, the increasing chasms on communal lines, the threat of extinctions through climate change, problems of hunger, poverty and unemployment, surge in epidemics and lifestyle diseases in last 30 years or so , religious extremism and terrorism and violence, the perennial fear of existence and of the other, rise of fascist, fundamentalist, incompetent, narcissist leaderships around the world and other factors like this have created a state of hopelessness for the majority of the population. Breakdown of all morality and value systems under the onslaught of a consumerist culture and social media and the naked display of the vile maxim… “All for myself and nothing for anyone else’ has created a disconnect within us. Human beings are looking /searching for a meaningful connect but the things they do and are made to believe in don’t seem to work. We are disconnected from earth, from each other, from a purposeful , a meaningful life and a healthy spiritually contended life. All this has created situation of neurotic breakdown. So we are a sick society of intelligent beings who have created conditions for our own self destruction. The problem that we face doesn’t only arise out of materialistic views of life but it seems to be more a result of the egotistical state of mind..A whole field of psychiatry has also failed to deliver anything fruitful. Modern psychiatry and clinical psychology have been giving theories and applying various psycho analyses and psychiatric drugs to deal with mental sickness for more than a century. The problems are largely unaddressed and the understanding of human brain is still in a very primitive phase of development. Paul Greengard, a Nobel Laureate(in 2000) and best known for his work on “Molecular and Cellular functions of Neurons “ has stated …
” Psychiatrists have no real understanding of how the human brain works. Our weapons, our tools, our therapies, they are so primitive, because of our lack of understanding of how the human brain works”.Dr Paul seems to be so correct when we look around. Patients taking say anti depressants have never come out of these treatments. It looks more like a nexus between the big pharma and medical fraternity prescribing these drugs knowing fully well that they don’t work.

All of the above including the inadequacy of tools of modern clinical psychology has brought psychedelics back to the centre stage. Research in psychedelics since the beginning of 21st century has yielded very promising results. Although most of this research is controlled and is done for therapeutic purposes, it has immensely benefitted the subjects of the research so far. Various scientific studies in the field of neuro sciences have yielded very positive evidence on efficacy of psychedelic substances. Psychedelic is all about connections. It activates our brains neural networks and forms newer connections with the self, gives us access to our unconscious minds, connects us with each other.

Psychedelics like meditation have been found to affect our egotistical state thus relieving us of the false ego identities which is the root cause of all the problems that we face today.
Psychedelics …the future…So far the recent research on psychedelics has yielded immensely positive results. Therapeutic results have been astonishing and very successful in treatment of many mental disorders. It’s time that we take advantage of, learn from and work with the knowledge that we already have. Psychedelics hold an immensely great potential and could help us mature as a species and may even assist in our survival with the Mother Nature or mother Ayaschua as Shamans call her in the Amazon. It seems that time has come that we once more take psychedelics seriously as an intellectual and aesthetic pursuit that can help us understand not only what consciousness is but what we humans really are and what we can become in our relation to the wonder that is nature. Risks in the Future….

  1. One of the risks involved with further developments in the field of psychedelics research lies in the fact that the number of variables involved is very large not making it very amenable to
    rigorous scientific experimentation. For every patient who undergoes a psychedelic treatment,
    experiences are unique. So it’s difficult to form an exact science when there is so much
    2. Most of the psychedelic research so far has been done under controlled conditions and under
    guidance of at least 2 professional guides. The results have been very encouraging. However,
    once we take these treatments to the street level it will be very difficult to find the trained
    professionals. That may or may not lead to as encouraging results. So training of medical staff is
    a prerequisite for any further progress in the field.
    3. The most important risk is that there is huge value in this field. Corporates, the big pharma have started taking deep interest and are spending billions in creating artificial psychedelic
    substances. The whole knowledge will be caught in the patent and intellectual property regimes
    posing a grave threat to their availability to the common masses at large and also threaten the
    traditional wisdom conserved over thousands of years ( turmeric is a classic example)
    4. Psychedelics are not very effective if the person is not under right framework of mind and is not open in his belief systems. Even if one is benefited, it may be difficult for one to integrate back in the society. Integration after treatment is a very important phase of these treatments and if one is not under proper guidance, he may fall back to the older ways of life and mind.

With His Grace and blessings I write..

Dr. Seema Chaudhary



4 Responses

  1. Dear ma’am
    Very insightful observations in this one .! Ma’am would psychedelics be the next big thing ? If so, how can it be harnessed and made available to the masses so as to prevent pharma brutalism? Also, would the authorities make this Panacea readily available ? And lastly , kindly elaborate In the next blog as to the guidance required and integration needed to make the optimum use of this therapy ..

    1. Sorry dear Priyanka ..i don’t know but i missed your these comments…it seems that psychedelics is a promising field..whether it will be the next big thing or not will be an interplay of many things ..pharma is very powerful and it will be difficult to fight it had strategy is to keep taking baby steps for now and spreading awareness of this science among people…authorities lies with those who have big capital and you know who they are …so patiently wait and watch..keep spreading awareness .. join some movements ..hope for the best..thanks ..

  2. Ma’am I have read the complete series of blogs on psychedelics was very informative and convincing. Your intellectual knowledge on the topic is truly amazing and the way you have written is truly commendable.
    As rightly said by Albert Einstein “Intellectual growth should commence at birth and cease only at death”.
    You are on the great path of imparting knowledge to your readers for them to grow intellectually.
    We are waiting for further more to come on various other topics.

    1. Thanks Vicky ji…your comments are highly motivating and your observations about intellectual growth is so appropriate. you have quoted Einstein and i feel really happy that you read and understand things so much even at such a young age…thanks s lot ..keep reading and sharing your views …i have got to learn a lot from you ..

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