HEALTH AND WELLNESS : Cancer – Earthing the new natural science of cancer healing


By His Grace and Blessings, I write

Earthing the new natural science of cancer healing

May I ask you a few questions…. When was the last time you walked barefoot on the sand or grass or you touched the Earth with your bare hands?  Did you scold your kid or some adult for walking barefoot? Were you sermoned by some salesman of Nike/ Adidas showrooms or by some intelligent physiotherapist about the benefits of those yankee footwears ?  Do you still remember your mother or some grandparent advising you to run or walk on the grass without your footwears on and not objecting to your playing outside home in those sand mounds manufactured by your ingenious brains? The chances are that you might have forgotten many of these events and there is every possibility that you may not have walked barefoot for ages(tragically you remember the brand and price tags of your shoes).

Dominant lifestyles factors such as insulating footwears, high rise buildings, elevated beds and urban jungles of concrete separate most humans from direct skin connection with earth’s surface. It seems that lifestyle challenges to our immune systems have proceeded faster than evolution could accommodate. This blog is a discussion about bringing back that harmony with the Mother Earth through developing an understanding of science of earthing and its immense healing benefits.

What is Earthing?

Earthing refers to direct skin contact with the surface of the earth, such as with bare feet or hands, or with various grounding systems. Multi-disciplinary research has revealed earthing produces intriguing effects on physiology and health. Modern bio-medicine has discovered that many of the most debilitating diseases such as cancer are caused by or are associated with chronic inflammation and oxidative stress. Earthing or grounding is the most natural, simple, and accessible health strategy against chronic inflammation and epidemics like cancer.

Chronic inflammation ‘silent as well as smouldering’ is generally caused by neutrophils which are a type of WBCs (White Blood Cells) and are released when the body has a tissue injury ( very common due to aging, physical injury, stress and modern day foods/lifestyles). These WBCs while wrapping up damaged cells release free radicals which then start damaging the other healthy cells in the body. Since without earthing body is unable to neutralise these free radicals, a chain reaction is initiated. Body starts releasing more of the WBCs to repair more of these damaged cells, which in first place have been destroyed through its own action. Thus, the immune system gets compromised and can’t stop growth and spread of malignant cancer-causing cells.

What does earthing do?

Earthing enables free electrons from the Earth’s surface to spread over and into the body, where they cause antioxidant effect and thus help in control of chronic inflammation by neutralising the free radicals. Specifically, earthing reduces pain and produces differences in concentration of WBCs, cytokines and other molecules involved in inflammatory response. Earthing provides best antioxidants from earth with zero negative secondary effects and that too freely and abundantly.

What you should do?

So next time you see an advertisement of an antioxidant food or medicine or anything that claims to control your free radicals, don’t buy it. Just walk barefoot, touch your hands to the grass and play with silica/mud. Close your eyes and feel yourself in the lap of Mother Earth which is the greatest natural healer of all. Let your kids play with the grass and sand and let them run barefoot. Always say and believe that it’s always good to be healed naturally then to be in a five-star hospital where ODTAA (One Damn thing after Other) sets in after some time.

Your ancestors in their evolved wisdom always advocated in favour of this connect to earth. Your modern lifestyles/education/intelligence/knowledge and your own understanding of hygiene all of  which are heavily borrowed from markets, and your markets creativeness has taken you too far from mother Nature and it is time to cling back to her. Madam/Sir you have been tricked by markets and its consumerist philosophy…be free of it ..step out barefoot whenever and wherever you get opportunity and heal yourself abundantly and  free of cost

Additional Information/Notes

► Now a days various grounding system are available in the market. These simple conductive systems in the form of sleeping mats, wrist and ankle bands, adhesive patches that can be used in office/ home and in shoes enable frequent contact with the earth. (sorry market triumph again)

► Earthing helps in curing many of the lifestyle disease like diabetics, blood pressure, lack of sleep, hormonal imbalances, allergies, physical injuries, and inflammation of various body parts. So, one must try this new science for curing almost any disease/sickness.

Image at the top  represents Buddha touching his right hand to the earth and making her witness of his victory over Mara and of his awakening. Let Earthing awaken us to good health and be witness of our victory over sickness/disease.

By His Grace and Blessings, I write..

Dr. Seema Chaudhary

9 Responses

  1. Although, most of us have heard that walking barefoot on grass is good for our eyesight. But, this is the first time that I read a scientific writeup explaining the therapeutic benefits of ‘earthing’…it’s true that in so-called modern and advanced lifestyle we hardly get a chance to touch mother earth…but, the age-old naturopathy that includes mud-baths, mud packs and body waps etc helps in removing existing toxins from our body and have very good healing power…

    1. thanks Rajinder Ji…we have lost the traditions, the cultures, the empathy and understanding of the evolution as such and we are paying huge price for all this …the discovery of synthetic shoes is perhaps one of the big calamities that fell upon humanity and enriched a few…

  2. Modern day living is far away from the connection with mother earth, as rightly discussed human being are falling prey to numerous diseases.
    Mother Earth, in my view is a living being in this universe, is reservoir of energy and life. She doesn’t expect anything while giving shelter and life to all without asking anything in return. We have to connect ourselves to it for healthy and disease free life.

    1. Thanks Baitha Ji..your observations are perfectly right..we are paying huge price for being cut off from mother earth..however, the question is are we learning and realising from our past mistakes or we still stay ignorant and consequently suffer on that count..kindly spread this message for benefit of all…its free and easy to do …

  3. Ma’am
    People of our generation have still been a bit more fortunate to experience or rather have been inculcated with some amount of the “earthing” lifestyle without even knowing about such deep physiological benefits. With generations passing by such earthing activities which are devoid of any limitations, control or restrictions and can be practised by anyone, anywhere and everywhere seem to be dwindling and are conveniently replaced by the gimmicky market and are damaging us more physically mentally economically and socially in the garb of artificial benefits and profits.
    Thanks for making us remember what we knew but conveniently forgot and ignored.
    Best wishes.

  4. Mam,
    People of our generation have still been a bit more fortunate or rather have been inculcated with such “earthing” lifestyle without knowing its deep physiological advantages. With generations passing , such enjoyable activities which are devoid of any limitations, control, restrictions and can be done by anyone and anywhere are dwindling and are replaced by the gimmicky market which is more damaging to us physically, mentally, economically and socially under the garb of artificial benefits and profits. Thanks for helping us remember what we knew but conveniently forgot and ignored.

    1. Thanks Mane ji for sharing your insights into this matter..we have surely lost touch with nature in every form..we dont touch earth and dont hear those melodious songs of the birds ..we dont hear the sound of the wind and dont feel those cool breezes on our face..and our generations are perhaps responsible for all this..we cant blame our future generations for we created this messy culture for them..time to realise our mistakes and start giving importance to things which actually matter in life…

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