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By His Grace and Blessings I write ….

Rabia (a Sufi Saint) was searching for her keys outside her home when a passerby enquired as to where she had lost the keys. Rabia instantly replied that the keys were lost inside the house but she was searching them outside becasue it was so dark inside. The passerby laughed and declared her insane. This is not a problem of Rabia. This is the problem of our modern day lives and perhaps we may not realize it considering it as sheer foolishness. Rabia was referring to journey inside where lies the real treasure troves of our lives while we try to blindly and frantically search it outside. Keys to the divine are inside us and there is no point in searching them outside of us.

Since when around 40,000 years ago man is said to have gained consciousness, efforts have been underway to search the source of this consciousness. However, the experience shows that the advent of modern civilizations and thousands of years of progress has actually brought us farther from this source. Somewhere, the priorities of existence have changed and the man seems to have forgotten the real purpose of life. An attempt will be made through this series of articles to examine our journey towards consciousness and the linkages between consciousness and the God substance. This God Substance that is being referred to here are the naturally occurring plants which have an hallucinating impact on human brain and have been found to alter the states of consciousness. These substances have not only been found to have an extraordinary effect on human creativity but have been found to have a huge potential for healing the diseases of mind and body. They are cumulatively called Psychedelic substances in modern day psychology. My main focus in this series will be raising questions and then look for the possible available explanations in the literature and learning from experiences of the masters and practitioners of the psychedelics and clinical psychology. The series will also throw some light on how the modern day societies in their blind pursuit of greed and power have a lost the respect for this traditional wisdom and how corporatization of every aspect of human lives have made life unsustainable on the planet. How Baazar(Market Economies) have deeply entrenched into our lives and life from birth till death has become a race in generating profits, fulfilling greed, inflating egos, accumulating power, spreading lies, hatred and jealously, war and disease, destruction of climate and environment and so on so forth. This series will also explore the limitations of modern day sciences in understanding the concept of consciousness and how the tools of modern science and technology are utterly inadequate to delve into this longest unresolved mystery of life known called “Human Consciousness”. I will try to throw some light as to how the wrong priorities and value systems of modern day societies has brought the humanity to the brink of extinction not only physically but psychologically as well. We are at the crossroads and it is our last opportunity that we walk the right path before everything comes crashing down. In order to better appreciate this discussion, let’s start raising some questions and try to address them as we progress. This exercise will be a journey of a spiritual traveler by looking inside through the prism of Godly Substances…

The question that will become the core of this discussion can be summarized as below…

What is this God Substance and what is Psychedelics?

How does Psychedelics alter states of consciousness?

Does this altered state of consciousness can make for a better society and sustainable world?

What is the relationship between Samadhi , consciousness and Psychedelics?

What is the relationship between Spirit and Psychedelics?

What is the scientific evidence available in support of Psychedelics?

Are there any limitations to Psychedelics?

Where does psychedelic as a form of treatment stand vis a vis tolls of modern clinical psychology?

Why the modern science unable to admit the psychedelic treatments as a main form of treating the illness of modern man?

Who are Shamans or these traditional healers?

How various ancient cultures account for psychedelic substances and their uses?

Is this traditional wisdom under threat of extinction under the greed of market forces unleashed in its name ?

What impact have these substances have over human physiology and psychology?

There may be more questions depending on the curiosity of the reader and with a cooperative effort of all, I will try to address them in due course of time. Some of the questions are likely to be clubbed together wherever it is feasible to find a single answer to them. Before I proceed any further I have a quote for thought…

“In oneself lies the whole world and if you know how to look and learn, the door is there and the key is in your hand. Nobody on earth can give you either the key or open the door except yourself”.

What is God Substance or Psychedelics?

Psychedelics is a word of Greek origin which means Mind Manifesting implying that psychedelics can develop unused potential of the human mind. Psychedelic are hallucinogenic class of drugs whose primary action is to trigger psychedelic experience via serotonin receptor agonism, causing specific psychological, visual and auditory changes, and altered state of consciousness. Major psychedelic drugs include mescaline, LSD, psilocybin, and DMT. Studies have shown that psychedelics are physiologically safe and don’t lead to addiction. These substance have been found to assist with treating patients with depression and alcohol addiction , and also nicotine addiction .

Psychedelics have a long history of use in traditional medicine and traditional religions for their perceived ability to promote physical and mental healing . They have been found not only to cure the diseases of human mind but also give an experience in divinity which then forever alters the consciousness. These naturally found substances have been known by various name in various cultures like Tree of Life by Egyptians, Vine of the Soul by Amazonian tribes and Soma by Vedas in India.

The research on psychedelics started in 1950’s and continued up to 1980. However, due to misuse of psychedelic substances and also under corporate conspiracy the research projects on psychedelics were given up at Harvard and other leading Universities of the time. There has been a renewed interest in study of psychedelic and their medicinal and spiritual benefits since 2010.

By His Grace I will continue…….

Dr. Seema Chaudhary

75 Responses

      1. This is the very subject I was looking for… Great innovative ideas…will wait for other blogs

  1. Madam/Sir
    I found it very much intresting. something new, and I feel it can make a difference.
    my doubt-
    1. can’t these pshycadelic substance make someone addicted of it. how it is different from other alcoholic drinks.

    1. sandip ji thanks for showing interest, i will bring all facets of psychedelics in my future blogs . hopefully i will be able to settle all your queries to your satisfaction. kindly keep reading and commenting and give a fair assessment of my blogs…thanks ..

      1. Definitely Amita. I will share with you my next blog asap. Thanks for appreciating and showing interest. You motivate me to write more….

    2. Thanks Sandip ji for showing interest ..i will share more with you on this subject in my future blogs..i will definitely address all your queries ..wrt to current query , psychedelics are not addictive and operate in a very different manner then all other sorts of addictive drugs…

    1. Dear Ma’am
      Great initiative and an interesting read indeed.
      I am looking forward to read more of your write ups.
      All the very best for future..

  2. This is the very subject I was looking for…. Great innovative ideas…. Will wait for other blogs.

  3. ……..Somewhere, the priorities of existence have changed and man seems to have forgotten the real purpose of life. ……..Great lines.
    Time to think and see inside.
    Can psychedelics change the conscience of human being? How?

    1. Thanks Baitha ji..Yes psychedelics can change human beings and in fact can heal the humanity both psychologically and holds infinite potential but like all things it has both the sides of Good and Evil..its upto choices that we make that will determine consequences..I will keep sharing m more about psychedelics in the days to come..

    1. Thanks Maam..have learnt so many things from you ..trying to utilise my free time for something fruitful and useful..your blessings are always sought in all my future endeavours…a teacher and a mentor like you is also Sarswati to me ..

    2. It was a great insigh and I am looking forward to read more. Hope to continue to gain a better understanding of physical and mental healing with respect to scientific evidence available in support of Psychedelics.

      1. Yes dear Praveer ..i will definitely bring more evidence on healing abilities of psychedelics and other natural healing substances…thanks for your insightful comments ..

  4. Madam
    Excellent initiative and interesting topic to venture into……The metaphor in the beginning is quite thought provoking.
    The amalgamation of medical sciences along with traditional philosophies and beliefs & it’s cumulative effects on mental health is a discussion highly important and needed in the society.
    All the best.

    1. Thanks Mane Sahab ..will keep writing more on the issue in the days to come and share the same with you.your appreciation is a big motivation for me to write more ..

    1. Thanks Aslam …will soon write and share with you more on this subject in the days to come.

  5. Interesting read!wud like to read Wat follows & how best can v use these conscious altering can these b safely used by layman ..

    1. Prerna i would love to share my next blog with you asap. i will definitely try and address your queries. Thanks for showing interest , for reading and motivating me to write more.

    1. thanks Ruchika . Will certainly share next blog soon .Thanks for appreciating and showing interest.

  6. Amidst the hectic life of Maya Nagari, you are superb blend of art, science and philosophy. This piece of write up and subsequent such write up shall help enlighten soul of whoever reads it.

  7. The relevance of use of these ‘psycho somatic ‘mood enhancing herbs or substances is a matter of ‘choice or the need ‘ to alleviate a ‘mental distress’ of the individual

    As per your research and investigation, such naturally occuring or growing substances or psychedelics have been known & used by human civilisations over centuries…May be it’s use has undergone changes over time … the use being mldified based on use effects being analysed for various previous applications relevant at that time.

    Compared to synthetic or allopathic generic formulations ..the effect of natural psychedelic substances may be slow or cumbersome to use in these fast paced present day living …hence the preference for easy to use medicine based items giving similar mood enhancing effects..

    With regard to use of such substances for improving one’s spiritual mental frame or experiences is subject to an individual’s interpretations…with specific reference to the awareness leading to understand human ‘consciousness’

    All psychedelic substances give a ‘feel good factor’ or may be ‘feel light and feel like being transported to different mental frame world
    …as being in a temporary world of mental satisfaction free from problems , responsibilities and need to put efforts to live that ‘happy feel’ mental life

    Requires lot of different ‘mental plane’ thinking to understand the depth of your analysis and direction of research .. especially based on the questions for topics to discuss put forth in your blog..

    Kudos to your eofessional achievements , balancing of multi faceted roles with responsibilities and creative interest in arts & such ‘ subtle high mental plane’ topics


    May 13, 2020 at 23.58pm

    Your comment is awaiting moderation.

    The relevance of use of these ‘psycho somatic ‘mood enhancing herbs or substances is a matter of ‘choice or the need ‘ to alleviate a ‘mental distress’ of the individual

    As per your research and investigation, such naturally occuring or growing substances or psychedelics have been known & used by human civilisations over centuries…May be it’s use has undergone changes over time … the use being modified based on use effects being analysed for various previous applications relevant at that time.

    Compared to synthetic or allopathic generic formulations ..the effect of natural psychedelic substances may be slow or cumbersome to use in these fast paced present day living …hence the preference for easy to use medicine based items giving similar mood enhancing effects..

    With regard to use of such substances for improving one’s spiritual mental frame or experiences is subject to an individual’s interpretations…with specific reference to the awareness leading to understand human ‘consciousness’

    All psychedelic substances give a ‘feel good factor’ or may be ‘feel light and feel like being transported to different mental frame world
    …as being in a temporary world of mental satisfaction free from problems , responsibilities and need to put efforts to live that ‘happy feel’ mental life

    Requires lot of different ‘mental plane’ thinking to understand the depth of your analysis and direction of research .. especially based on the questions for topics to discuss put forth in your blog..

    Kudos to your professional achievements , balancing of multi faceted roles with responsibilities and creative interest in arts & such ‘ subtle high mental plane’ topics


    1. Sir i am grateful for all your kind comments and valuable insights into the matter. i will keep in mind your queries and insights and discuss many of them in my future blogs…Please keep sharing your vast knowledge and critically analyzing my blogs..your analysis give me a wonderful guidance for the subject matter of my future blogs on this issue…thanks a lot Sir..

  9. Very interesting beginning drawing the importance of inward journey .
    My knowledge about psychedelic substance is very limited and mostly against it. Does it have any permanent catalyst effect in the journey And can one not unravel without it.

    1. Sir i will definitely keep in mind all your queries and will try to come up to your expectations in my future blogs..please keep commenting and reading ..thanks

  10. You had me at the ‘God Substantce’, my own spiritual journey began when i came to know about the effect of psychedelics on the human mind. Very well written and intriguing!

  11. In this era of development, it becomes very important to be acquainted with such subjects. The clarity you provide, on each term shows your keen exploration of the same. By his grace you shall keep writing …..

  12. Madam,

    You’ve touched upon a rather forbidden topic
    and given us fascinating insights into a tabooed subject . You are absolutely right about daily grind the people of our generation get embroiled into and ultimately the only thing that matters is “generating profits, fulfilling greed, inflating egos, accumulating power, spreading lies, hatred and jealously, war and disease” .

    I really look forward to reading more of it as you’ve excellently woven and pitted commercialisation and traditional wisdom against each other. Keep enlightening and delighting us with your thought provoking ideas .

  13. Dear Ma’am
    Great initiative and an interesting read indeed.
    I am looking forward to read more of your write ups.
    All the very best for future..

    1. Thanks Shalini …your feedback is important in all my future endeavours..will write more and share more …thanks a lot once again ..

      1. Missed to comment on the above blog. Very interesting subject very well written. Kudos to a multitalented young lady.

  14. This is so great I think others could benefit from learning about it. Would love to know more . This is truly above and beyond . keep writing 😊

    1. Thanks Renu ..i will share more and more for the benefit of my lovely readers kind of you for appreciating and liking my work.

  15. Interesting piece of writing that lead me to think of certain substances that are consumed by regular civilians to cure their minds and find “peace”. I also believe that it’s not purely safe to call these substances non-addictive as their chemical nature can develop addiction if consumed regularly. But these are safe if consumed in limited amount. Still it’s a good way to make understanding among the people, especially the readers. Your blog is worth a read.

    1. Thanks Gurpreet ..There is more to come on psychedelics where i will try to unravel various myths around these assured they are not addictive and there is no evidence of any physiological problems because of these substances..they are very different from other addictive substances like cannabis/alcohol/ marijuana/ heroin etc…

  16. Got Something new to read which is quite interesting as well as an initiate to bring about a change through such deep thoughts. Such an amazing work.. best of luck and keep posting

    1. Thanks Nikki..i am happy that you liked this blog and appreciated me with such kind words…will keep posting to you ..keep liking and sharing your feedback…

    1. Thanks Megha ..your feedback is critical for me in future as well…you motivate me to write like this kind of you ..

  17. This is the amazing work on the topic of God and subastance. And many others.. Thanks to all of them whose they are inspiring to the other people whom they doesn’t know about their work. Your work are so good and keep it up.
    Most awaited to bring the new topics and and I will read them.

    1. Ritu so kind of you ..your comments mean a lot to me..i will definitely write more on such issues..will try to make them more interesting and interactive..Thanks for your appreciation of my work..

  18. Sometimes it difficult to express thoughts in to words and to make reader able to understand the feelings of the writer but mam you did it very effectively by giving example you make readers attach them self with content

    1. Thanks Suresh Ji..kindly read 6 more blogs on psychedelic that i have posted …i would appreciate if you can share your valuable insights on these blogs… as being a professor and practitioner in the field of psychology your understanding is much deeper and insightful then mine…keep reading and guiding …

    1. Thanks a lot for your kind words of appreciation…kindly read other blogs on this topic…its such a wonderful thing to explore and perhaps offers solutions to many of the problems at the level of the individual, society and this cosmos..keep updating and sharing your views on the matter…

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